
Peace be with you! La paix soit avec vous! As-salamu alaikum!

The world we live in is in desperate need for people who are willing to find ways to come together across their differences, and to seek to know and love one another in the midst of them. Far too often today, we see precisely the opposite. This site exists especially for people whose faith in God causes them to believe in the way peace, and for people who want to put that faith into action by reaching out to others instead of remaining divided from them.

More specifically, this page was made for Canadian Christians and Canadian Muslims who want to know one another more deeply, to grow in understanding of their respective faith traditions, and to draw upon the riches of their religious communities for building trust, reconciliation, and common cause. The need for such efforts in our time is self-evident, and increasing, both around the world and closer to home. And this is no small endeavor; real peoplesโ€™ lives are at stake.

Inspired by the 2007 letter A Common Word Between Us and You, the resources that are collected here are intended to help people do just that, in their churches, mosques, workplaces and communities. The idea is to give you some ready-made tools, and examples of things that have worked in other places, which you might try where you live. If these ideas also inspire you, then you are most welcome here!


Here you can find out more about the origins of A Common Word and the foundational basis for this global dialogue initiative in both the Christian and Muslim traditions. You may also read the text of the original letter itself, available here in either English or French translations.

Local dialogue resource kitโ€‹


A Common Word has inspired numerous forms of engagement all over the world, including lectures and conferences from well known scholars and interreligious practitioners from both the Christian and Muslim communities. This is a curated sampling of some especially good video recordings of lectures, presentations, and panel discussions. More are being added all the time!

Presentations and Lectures about Christian-Muslim Dialogue

 Presentations and Lectures about A Common Word
A Common Word Alberta

Background readingโ€‹

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